It’s probably safe to say that many men shy away from wearing jewelry with the exception of watches and wedding bands. For the better part of the twentieth century, jewelry, for sole purpose of self-expression and style, was not a part of the customary uniform for men. But nowadays, things are changing fast. Of late, we’ve noticed that men are less interested in having their sartorial choices dictated by others, especially when it comes to jewelry. In fact, as fine jewelry becomes more accessible and approachable in terms of price and design, we are glimpsing more men wearing bracelets, necklaces and rings that are not the typical, obligatory fare, and we could not be more pleased.
We make our jewelry with all genders in mind. So, from a design perspective, what goes for him goes for anyone who loves gold jewelry. But we do hold a special place in our hearts and on for men’s jewelry. Why? Because we want to encourage guys to break out of the old-school approach to jewelry. We see no reason why all men shouldn’t experience the beauty of solid gold jewelry.
This article is primarily for men who are new to wearing gold jewelry and want a little help in picking the right pieces. If you fall into this category, then the best place to start is “nice and easy.” If you are a gentleman who is already a major jewelry aficionado, then focus on our suggestions for "coming in hot.”
Back in the day (as in sometime during the twentieth century), guys wearing gold chains endured a lot of bad press. Words like “tacky” and “cheesy” were thrown around rather cavalierly. But today, men of all ages are ditching those tired rules and snarky judgments in search of beautiful ways in which to express their personal style. A solid gold necklace is a great place to start.
Nice and Easy.
If you are brand new to wearing necklaces, we suggest the Cable Link Necklace 1 mm and the Cable Link Necklace 2 mm. These are chic yet basic cable link chains that may be worn solo or with a pendant or two. We like these 22 karat solid gold chains for men who have just started to wear gold jewelry because these gold chains are discreet yet versatile. Add a bold pendant, however, and you have just elevated your jewelry game.
Our cable link chains go best with classic t-shirts, over a sweater or under an open shirt collar against bare skin. That said, we’ve seen some folks button up their shirts all the way to the top and place the necklace under the collar but over the shirt. How you wear a gold chain is ultimately up to you.
Renown plastic surgeon, Dr. Jon Turk, is wearing our Linear Maze Pendant & Chain Large / Polished in 22 karat solid gold.
From left to right: Musician and fashion model, Blake Johnston, is wearing our Cable Link Necklace 2 mm, and fashion model, Matthew Djordjevic, is wearing our Ornate Cone Amulet & Chain Large/Satin. All pieces are crafted from 22 karat solid gold.
Coming in hot.
If you want skip over the basic pieces and climb the jewelry ladder right out of the gates, then we suggest the 24” Long Link Chain in solid 22 karat gold. This gorgeous piece is so attractive that the women in your life will want to wear it too.
Tattoo artist and fashion model, Cory Alexander, is wearing our Long Link Chain and Love is Love Medallion & Chain in 22 karat solid gold.
For a man who may not be used to wearing fine jewelry, a bracelet is great choice. Why? If you wear a watch or have worn woven or beaded friendship bracelets, you are already used to wearing jewelry on your wrist.
High karat gold will feel a bit different, though. 22 karat gold jewelry and 24 karat gold jewelry are heavier than pieces made from 10 karat gold or 14 karat gold. Remember, 10 karat gold jewelry contains 41.7% gold and 14 karat gold jewelry contains 58.3% gold. The remainder of the jewelry consists of alloys, some of which may irritate your skin. 22 karat gold contains 91.67% gold and 24 karat gold contains 99.99% gold. Since gold is a dense noble metal, you will feel more weight in your Auvere bracelets than in low-karat jewelry made by other brands. From our perspective, a solid gold weight is a good thing.
Nice and Easy.
If you want a more conservative approach to a gold bracelet, we recommend the Cable Link Bracelet 1 mm and the Cable Link Bracelet 2 mm. When worn by themselves, these solid gold bracelets are simple and low key. Add a pendant, and you will take things up a few notches. The thing we love about the Cable Link Bracelets is how nicely they play with other bracelets that you may already have in your collection. Consider adding one or more of the Cable Link Bracelets to a jewelry stack that includes your watch, or beaded or woven bracelets. Mixing metals is totally fine, by the way.
Ontological coach and fashion model, Lucas Garcez, is wearing our Cable Link Bracelet 2 mm in 22 karat solid gold.
Coming in hot.
Are you ready to take your bracelet action to the next level? If your answer is yes, then we recommend going with a heavy solid gold link. If you are really bold, consider stacking a couple of heavy solid gold link bracelets together, or on the same wrist as your watch. One of our favorite bracelets for all genders, but especially men, is the Perigee Bracelet. Be ready for a heavyweight, though. At 36 grams of pure gold, this bracelet makes for a timeless investment in jewelry.
Dr. Turk is wearing our Perigee Bracelet in 22 karat solid gold.
Auvere co-founder, Steven Feldman, is the perfect example of a jewelry amateur gone pro. In addition to his 22 karat solid gold Double Barrel Ring Satin. Steven regularly sports his Perigee Bracelet, also handcrafted from 22 karat solid gold.
David McManley, owner of Calli Coffee Farm in Brazil and British fashion model, is wearing our Love is Love Bracelet in 22 karat solid gold.
The solid gold ring is a great way to start a jewelry collection. But this is the place where you have room to experiment. How so? Do the math. You’ve got 1 neck, 2 wrists and 10 fingers (minus the wedding finger, which may already boast a ring or may be waiting for one). That leaves nine digits to work with in terms of finding the best rings for you.
Nice and Easy.
Many men start their jewelry collections with a basic wedding band and there’s nothing wrong with that. The statement made by a wedding band is one of love, loyalty and devotion. So what better way to represent your wedding vows than with a band made from an eternal noble metal — gold.
Top two photos: Matthew Djordjevic is wearing our Triple Barrel Ring Satin in 22 karat solid gold. Bottom two photos: Matthew is wearing our Double Barrel Ring Polished in 22 karat solid gold.
Coming in hot.
In the event that you are interested in expanding your solid gold ring collection beyond a wedding band, we have a few recommendations to make. There’s no doubt that a signet ring emanates masculine vibes, especially when crafted from pure 24 karat gold. If that’s your look, you should consider our Brutalist 24K Signet Ring Satin and our Brutalist 24K Ring Polished. Named after the Brutalist architectural movement prevalent in the mid-twentieth century, this ring is hefty and powerful. Moreover, its flat surface offers the perfect pace to personalize your ring by engraving initials or words of significance.
Fashion Model, Nemanja Maksic, is wearing our Brutalist 24K Ring Satin in 24 karat solid gold.
Another bold approach to rings for an up-and-coming jewelry aficionado is the ring stack. If you’ve read The Definitive Guide to Ring Stacking, then you know that ring stacking is a terrific way to redefine your rings and make them more impactful by taking quite seriously the concept “more is more”. One piece of advice about ring stacks for beginners — forgo the bracelet when you are boasting a fist full of rings.
Real estate investor and entrepreneur, Marcus Stewart, is a fan of the solid gold ring stack. To elevate his street style apparel, Marcus paired the Xanthe 24K Ring Satin with a mix of 22 karat gold Double Barrel Rings Satin and Triple Barrel Rings Satin for a noteworthy ring stack.
Now that you are climbing the ladder of style with comfort and ease, we think you are ready for gold rings blinged out with diamonds. Sure, you are still a beginner who is exploring the boundaries of your love for gold jewelry; however, that’s the very reason we are exposing you to a truly bold choice. Can you go there?
Based on the iconic evil eye motif, we designed the Floral Eye Signet Ring / 9 Diamonds and Floral Eye Signet Ring / Pave Diamonds to be attractive to all genders. But they work especially well for men because of their size, square shape and the fact that they are crafted from investment grade 22 karat gold. If you’ve got an issue with the ultra-bling factor of these two rings, blame it on the diamonds.
We’ve saved the most daring item of men’s jewelry for last. The ear cuff. If you are already a fashion forward guy with full blown ear game, then ear cuffs present no risk at all, especially because you don’t need to pierce any part of your ear to wear them. But for the uninitiated, an ear cuff is a true fashion statement that you will either love or ignore. Either way, Auvere’s ear cuffs are particularly cool because they are like miniature sculptures with real value because they are handcrafted from 22 karat solid gold. And we mean solid. We do not use vermeil or gold plate that will rub off within weeks or months. Our stock in trade is true gold with hypoallergenic qualities for sensitive areas such as ears.
Nice and Easy.
If you trying gold ear cuffs for the first time, we recommend these 22 karat solid gold options because they are easy to slip on and light enough that you will forget they are there: Clean Cut Ear Cuff Satin; Clean Cut Ear Cuff Polished; Double Moon Ear Cuff Satin; and Double Moon Ear Cuff Polished.

Clean Cut Ear Cuff Polished in 22 karat solid gold.

Matthew Djordjevic is wearing our Clean Cut Ear Cuff Polished in 22 karat solid gold.

Matthew Djordjevic is wearing our Lunar Cuff Ear Cuff Satin, Double Moon Ear Cuff Satin, Double Barrel Ring Satin, Triple Barrel Rings Satin and Xanthe 24K Ring Satin.

Capture Ear Cuff Satin in 22 karat solid gold.
Coming in hot.
If you are a jewelry novice who wants to make a leap to the top of the men’s jewelry ladder, or if you’ve already got an advanced degree in men’s jewelry and thus someone for whom ear cuffs are de rigueur, pieces like the Lunar Ear Cuff Polished, Lunar Ear Cuff Satin. Capture Ear Cuff Polished and Capture Ear Cuff Satin, all handcrafted from 22 karat solid gold, make a wonderful investment in your ears.
Marcus Stewart, is wearing our Lunar Cuff Ear Cuff Polished, Double Moon Ear Cuff Satin and Double Moon Ear Cuff Polished.
Do you still have questions about building your solid gold jewelry collection? Email our customer support team at or call us at (866)317-7779. We would be happy to help.