For some of us, the love affair with ear adornment began before our very first birthday. Like many babies around the world, Auvere designer and co-founder, Gina Feldman Love , had her ears pierced as an infant in her home country of Jamaica. From India to Africa to South America, baby girls receive earrings as a rite of passage. On the other end of the spectrum are those of us who had to wait until our teenage years (after begging our parents) for pierced ears even though we knew it would hurt. That’s because we knew there was a lifetime of ear candy to come and we couldn’t wait to get started.
Now that we have tasted true freedom when it comes to our ear ornamentation, we’re not going back to basics. We accept the challenge to layer and mix and mingle our earrings at will. There is a joy to our jumble and savvy in our stack.
Raise the style stakes with studs, cones, cuffs, and cool drops. Declare your independent spirit with a unique fusion all your own. Will you adorn a single ear or both? Will you accessorize from big to small or unify the size?
Tell us. We’re all ears.